Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aidan has a blast with his cousins

Kevin's sister Monica visited the lake with 3 of her 4 sons. Jack, Connor and Will are such sweet, polite boys and we had so much fun spending time with them. We missed Ben who was at Harry Potter camp having a blast I'm sure. Aidan absolutely adored his cousins and he giggled and had so much fun with them.

When the boys arrived it was raining but nobody let a little rain put a damper on the fun. The boys jumped right in the lake and then took a hot tub

Nana and her youngest son & grandson
the hot tub was too warm for Aidan so we sat that one out
Nana taught the boys a domino game of Mexican trains
Aidan couldn't reach the dominoes on the table so he played with Nana's chairs instead

Aunt Monica cuddling her chubby nephew
We all went out for pizza
These boys are adorable!
Will being mischievous;)
Great family photo
We saw a coyote on the drive home!

Blurry pictures but even so you can tell he was big! Scary.
Wednesday we had much better weather and we got to spend most of the day on the lake. Here Jack has a turn on the paddle board. He was such a natural on this board and it is hard! Jack has great balance and made it look easy.
He picks up his brothers
Meanwhile Monica got some well deserved relaxation time

I had a turn on the paddle board and as you can see I was much more successful on my knees.
but I did manage to get up, even if I look kind of goofy!
and then I fell...
We took a boat ride and saw an eagle flying and swooping down into the lake to catch its dinner
the weather was gorgeous

Will entertains his cousin

Nana and Aidan at the lake

Great photo!

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