Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Adventures begin...

We have started our summer adventure and so far I really like not working! Friday 7/17, I finished my last day of work and Kevin picked me up out front and we drove out of Vermont in a torrential rainstorm. It was sad to leave and I'll miss my job and my boss & friend Robin, and also the great state of Vermont. However, we have been having so much fun on our travels so far I don't miss it yet.

Last weekend we had two great days with our friends Dan and Madeleine and their 2 year old son Morgan. They live in beautiful Milford, CT and we took a lovely walk to the beach and let Lily swim. Milford is a great town for young families and Kevin and I could totally see ourselves living there if we ever were to return to Connecticut. Saturday we went to Michael & Janice Duggan's house for a reunion party for the boys fraternity. The party was lots of fun and we had perfect sunny weather. We got to hang out with our dear friends Nathan & Andrea Richman who made the drive from NJ, of course Dan & Mads who we went with, and our adorable nieces and nephew, Maddie, Sean & Charlotte.

Sunday we headed up to Highland Lake to Mary & Bill's house and we've been up here since. It has been a relaxing week. Enjoy the pics!

Michael & Janice have a BEAUTIFUL house. They have a gorgeous pool and outdoor kitchen as well as a water slide for the kids. Aidan played in the bottom pool, maybe next year he can go down the slide!
Our good friend Andrea Richman and her daughter Georgia. This picture does not do her precious blond curls justice. She is such a sweetheart!
Dan and Mad's son Morgan enjoys an ice cream. Aidan got a real kick out of Morgan all weekend and they had fun making each other laugh.
The adorable Richman kids Cooper & Georgia
Kevin took Aidan swimming but he was a bit overwhelmed by the 20+ kids in the pool!

Ahhh the lake house! Sunshine was a welcome sight after the rainiest June and July on record in Vermont for 25 years! (That is according to Kevin's barber and may not be entirely factual).

Kevin helping Bill out with some trim painting
the kids bunk house
Swimming in the lake with Lily. Lily LOVES the lake house for obvious reasons!

Swimming with Aidan
this baby loves to be naked!

We took a boat cruise and Aidan loved the boat! He did not like the life preserver he had to wear and that eventually came off because he was crying and it was hard to get a good grip on a wriggly baby in a life jacket.

Aidan checking out the boat

Cruising the lake...

Aidan is having so much fun with his Nana and Papa and he has taken a liking to their pots and pans. He has toys galore, but he would rather play with these...

Aidan hanging with Papa

Putting sticks in a bucket!

Aidan took a long nap and Kevin and I got to have a few hours to ourselves. It was sunny and beautiful and I was the most relaxed I have been in ages!

Whitest legs on Highland Lake!
Kevin and I went for a jet ski ride

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