Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Settling in...

So I've been working for 2 full weeks now at my new job and it's starting to look up. I think anytime you start a new job it takes time to warm up to the place and especially for what I do, traffic management. I work for a company that designs and markets toys and gear for babies. In a nutshell, I manage the workload of designers and route their work throughout the company which sounds simple but unfortunately it is anything but. For one thing the work requests don't come from a single source, they come from all over the company in varying states of clarity and I have to process and disseminate the requests which is quite difficult not knowing anyone or anything about the different departments or urgency required. Additionally, getting to know the designers and their skill set takes time. Also the organizational systems they have in place make me want to cry they are so broken. I guess that is one reason they hired me, to streamline the processes and make things run smoother. I can't wait to do it, but first I have to fully understand how everything works and why and this takes time. I am not the most patient person so all the things that "take time" are so frustrating for me. I am exhausted and still unpacking and getting settled in on the home front, but things are good and I'm still glad to be where I am right now! On the bright side I found a great lunch spot which yummy Mediterranean food

Kevin is searching for a job but having no luck which is frustrating and demoralizing but he's hanging in there. I've fired him as the house cleaner so he better find a job pretty damn soon;) His way of "spot cleaning" is not passing my rigorous standards and I may have to hire some outside help here soon. However, he is enjoying spending this time with Aidan though, and I am sick with jealousy but happy they get to have this important father & son time.

Aidan is settling into his new daycare like a champ! He only goes Tuesdays and Thursdays until Kevin gets a job, but he loves it there and gets very excited when we pull up in the morning. His teachers are really nice and there are lots of older toddlers in his class so he is walking so much now trying to keep up with the big kids! I think he'll be speaking more words soon, he wants to string words together badly, you can see him thinking about it. His daycare has cameras you can watch through a secure system and Kevin and I can't get enough of the "Aidan-cam" as we call it. I have to force myself to turn it off so I can get work done, but it is awesome to be able to check in on him anytime and see what he's up to. Last Thursday I watched him throw his snack on the floor and snatch his neighbors snack and proceed to eat that! I was chuckling to myself at my desk. He gets so much activity and outdoor play time that every Tuesday and Thursday he is so exhausted at the end of the day he can barely keep his eyes open through dinner. I'll work on capturing video of him walking in the next few days and try to get that loaded on the blog, his little chubby legs and his drunken sailor walk are precious!
Aidan with his firetruck (pictures taken with my iphone so not great quality!)

Shopping at Home Depot, Aidan loves their carts!

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