Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend! We headed to Hilton Head for the 3-day weekend with Mom & Bob for some relaxation, beach time and a quick getaway. Mary & Bill were in Europe, still enjoying their river boat tour, but they generously let us stay at the house and we had a blast. Unlike August, the weather down there was absolutely gorgeous. No humidity, sunny skies and low tide on the beach in the afternoon which is what I like. Aidan did great at the beach and was walking so much he got exhausted quickly. Once he learns not to rub sand in his eyes, I think he'll enjoy the beach a whole lot more, but this time he did great and we had fun watching him explore!

Beach baby! Aidan was not happy to be picked up for this picture, he wanted to roam free on the beach. We walked for a while and he was happy as can be just walking up to strange kids and grabbing their toys. As you can imagine, that was fun for mom & dad.

Look at those giant teeth!
Mom & Bob walk with Aidan

One of my favorite things to do in Hilton Head is ride bikes. There are miles and miles of bike trails and it's all flat! yeah!
Luckily Aidan loves to ride too
Checking out the horses on our ride
and I wonder where he gets his giant teeth from...
the horses loved Aidan! A little too much...
Visiting the playground and tree house after a long bike ride
Aidan gets a kick out of waving to Nana Caz from up high
This boy loves to drive anything, even a tree house.


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