Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

It's been a busy week here in Georgia. Kevin and I have been trying to buy a car which has involved a lot of test drives, haggling with car salesman (ugh!) and lots of research. We are getting closer to finding the right SUV or dare I say it, mini-van for us. I'll keep you posted on what transpires, but for now we're still searching.

Also this week it was Kevin's 36 birthday! He had a nice day starting with made from scratch banana bread and coffee when he woke up. I got up at 5:30 to make his favorite bread, and I know he enjoyed it! He and Aidan spent the day together and then we went out for Mexican with Mom and Bob which was fun. Aidan ate a whole cheese quesadilla! Later, Hakim and Jeff who are friends and fraternity brothers of Kevin's came over and we shared tons of laughs and good times. Today at work was a bit rough after a late night and lots of beers, but I powered through;)

Today is our 3rd Wedding Anniversary! Unfortunately we were too tired from last night to go out but we plan to have a nice dinner and evening to ourselves later in the month. We are heading to Hilton Head for the holiday weekend tomorrow so we're busy packing and getting excited to see the beach again! Now that Aidan is walking, I think the beach will be a more exciting experience than a few weeks ago. By exciting I mean exhausting, hee hee. Happy Labor Day everybody!

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