Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Beach Bums

Before I started my new job and life got crazy busy again, we spent a lovely week in Hilton Head relaxing and hanging out. Correction, it was not that lovely because it was HOT and HUMID! We vowed never to go to Hilton Head again in August because the air was thick and sticky! Plus it rained almost everyday. Also, we really didn't get to relax that much, only when the babies were sleeping, so I'm not sure why I wrote that. I guess because we should have relaxed more! Anyway, we did end up having a fun time and my girlfriend Kari came down as well as my girlfriend Mary and her daughter Leira who is 16 months old. Mary's husband Jeff joined us on the last day as well, so it was great to see everyone.

Enjoy the pics, and Kevin and I are headed back to Hilton Head this weekend for Labor Day, so we're really looking forward to cooler temps, less rain and the beach again!

Kari with the babies. Not having any children of her own, Kari was exhausted by these two!
Leira got a kick out of riding Aidan's fire truck

and Aidan loved pushing her, it was really a sweet moment!
Aidan's snazzy new sneakers! which he hates...
he loved Nana & Papa's house in Hilton Head!
Exploring the tree house in Harbor Town
Beach time! Kevin set up this great sun tent that was wonderful and of course the babies wanted nothing to do with staying in the shade!

Aidan's walking! He learned a lot on the beach but at this time he was still not walking by himself.
My boys :)
The tide came up so high and this little monkey thought the tide pools were the best part of the beach! He splashed for ages.
Mary & Leira
Leira loved the waves and would have run right into the ocean if we let her!
Jeff & Leira
The Johnson family

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