Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Jersey!

We spent last weekend with our friends Andrea and Clint Wulfekotte and their gigantic St. Bernard Jax! They live in Holmdel, NJ which is a beautiful town and their neighborhood and house is gorgeous. Aidan loved their dog Jax and he was a little bit obsessed with Aidan as well. Lily loved swimming in the pool and for once she actually looked like a small dog compared to Jax!

Friday night we bbq'd and our friends Jody & Meredith, Rob, Russ and Mike came over. Andrea had just gotten back from China and was exhausted so a special thanks to her and Clint for hosting! Red Bull & vodkas kept us up late! We had a great weekend and can't wait to return to New Jersey in September for Meredith & Jody's wedding. NJ gets a bad rap, but honestly I love it there and I love to visit our friends.

Clint & Andrea's house
What a spread!

Kevin, Aidan and Lily in the pool

Russ chills by the pool
Jax sniffing Aidan.

Look at those baby blues
Meredith, Andrea and I. We played cards in the kitchen like a bunch of old ladies. I loved it!

Aidan was tired and cranky and had finally had enough of us trying to snap pictures of him and Jax!

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