Tuesday, July 28, 2009


In our next stop on the Tour de Northeast, we stayed with my sister in law Monica, her husband Scott and their 4 adorable boys Jack, Ben, Connor and Will. Mary and Bill were also in CT and staying with them so it was a full house and so much fun! Thank you so much Websters for your gracious hospitality. Monica & Scott have a gorgeous house so it's like staying at a luxurious hotel complete with 4 great kids. Aidan had a blast with his cousins and Lily had fun with their dogs Crosby & Marley.

Sunday night we went to Kevin & Monica's brother Billy's house for Alexandra's 16th birthday celebration.

The kids played in the pool and had so much fun
Cathy & Billy
Alex blows out her candles
Aidan tries some birthday cake
The birthday girl and her boyfriend Jake!

Later that night a bird flew into Monica & Scott's house. It was hysterical trying to get that baby bird out!

Monica taking a broom to the bird to gently persuade him to fly out the window
Scott finally got the bird to fly out the front door, success!

Monday we went to Uncle Michael's house so the boys could swim and ride the ATV. Adorable pics!

Connor and Aidan

Cutie pie!

The boys clowning around in the dog crates

Ben in his Harry Potter costume

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