Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Frog Cupcakes for Aidan's daycare birthday party!

My dreams of baking culinary masterpieces died a painful death last night. I had never made decorative cupcakes before, but I didn't think it could be that hard so I got myself a $6 cupcake decorating kit and some food coloring and went to town. News Flash. It's a lot harder than it looks!

Here is the photo of the fancy cupcakes that I was trying to bake. They are adorable and look relatively easy to copy...

and here are my not so fabulous creations...


My best one mocks me with a crooked grin...
The good news is they were DELICIOUS! Kevin told me so after he gobbled down 4 in a row. So they may not have been as pretty as I had hoped, but who cares. It was my first attempt. I took them to Aidan's daycare this morning for him and his buddies (and mostly the teachers) to enjoy. The teachers were impressed if nothing else, and they promised to take photos of Aidan and his friends eating them so I will post those when I can.

One week until Aidan's real birthday! 3 more days of work for me!

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