Monday, June 15, 2009


We are moving our family to Atlanta. Kevin and I love Vermont and we have enjoyed living here but this last year we felt that we've been missing something. As our lives changed with the amazing addition of Aidan, we realized we wanted to be closer to family and friends. We put our house on the market last October with the intention of making the move this fall if we were lucky enough to sell the house in time. It has been a long and arduous process, but the house is finally due to close on Friday, July 3. So, after a stressful decision making process where we weighed the pros and cons and talked about all of our reasons, we decided that we would rent a house in Burlington, VT for the summer and then move in late Fall. However, two weeks ago Kevin got laid off. While nobody can be shocked at such a thing in this economy, it was still a surprise and as we soon found out, a blessing in disguise! Kevin getting laid off means that we qualify for subsidized Cobra, or health insurance, and our plan to move and pay out of pocket for insurance just got a whole lot cheaper. Not to mention that he can now collect unemployment so we won't have to dip as deep into our savings to make this move. Good news all around. So, with moving plans accelerated, we are leaving Vermont on Friday July 17th! After the closing on our house, we are sticking around for two weeks so I can finish up work (I already resigned!) enjoy a little bit of the Vermont summer and tie up loose ends before we start our adventure. We plan to spend some time with friends and family in CT and NJ, have a mini-vacation at Mary and Bill Duggan's NY Lake house, and slowly make our way down South stopping to explore along the way. We are still working out many logistics, for example transporting our things into storage in Atlanta, etc. but it is all coming together. We'll keep you updated on our travels and our transition to Atlanta. We are actively looking for jobs in the Atlanta area so if you have any contacts down there, don't be shy!

Lots of Love,
Kevin, Angela & Aidan



1 comment:

Talk More Later said...

oh my gosh angela! that is such exciting news. Atlanta!I am so happy for you guys. I moved to Vermont to be near my family when Mona was little; it made a huge difference.
I wish I had work connections worth mentioning in'll both find work; no doubt!
big best,