Monday, June 22, 2009

Kevins first Father's day!

I hope Kevin had a wonderful Father's day. I certainly had fun spoiling him all day!

Aidan and I woke him up with some presents...
and then I cooked delicious blueberry pancakes and Vermont maple sausage for breakfast
Kevin really wanted to take Aidan on his first bike ride so before his morning nap we did a test ride in the driveway.

Aidan got a big kick out of Kevin's helmetand he seemed to love the bike seat. So far so good! Huge thanks to Monica and Scott for the bike seat and bike trailer! We plan to get lots of use out of both.
Kevin walked the bike at first
and then rode a few laps with Lily chasing along!
The test ride was a big success so we headed to Stowe in the afternoon for a real bike ride.We gambled with the rainy weather but won! It was a beautiful afternoon

We rode on the bike path for a while and took a break at a sculpture garden
The inside art gallery was incredible as well. Aidan and I sat in a beautiful chair crafted out of 1500 half dollar coins and 7000 welds by artist Johnny Swing. Only $59,000. Bargain! Aidan loved the gallery because of all the lights and the ceiling fans. Oh yeah, and the art was cool too.

Goofing around before we finished our bike ride

After the bike ride we headed to the Ben & Jerry's factory in our town of Waterbury, VT. All fathers got a free ice cream cone for Father's day!

Aidan sticking his face through the giant Ben & Jerry

Waiting in line for Kevin's cone
Aidan's first taste of ice cream!

Of course he loved it! He was a mess afterwards but oh so cute.
We cleaned Aidan up, fed and bathed him and he crashed out early. He enjoyed a big day and we ended the day with another delicious meal cooked by yours truly. Salmon, roast potatoes, and kale sauteed in garlic and onion, yum!

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