Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cherishing the last few weekends in VT

We have limited time left in the great state of VT so we've been doing touristy things and enjoying every second that we're not packing. This past weekend was no exception. Waterbury has always celebrated the 4th of July holiday the weekend before the actual 4th with a parade and fireworks spectacular. I took Aidan to the parade while Kevin got our tag sale ready. Saturday afternoon was spent selling our junk to people who like that sort of thing. Apparently quite a few do because we made about $180. Not bad for stuff that we were planning on taking to the dump anyway.

Hanging out at the Tag sale
Thanks to my adorable husband who is not only charming, but one heck of a salesperson. I loved how he threw in a free bath mat whenever he got the chance.

Aidan in his very own seat checking out the parade
Miniature ponies ALWAYS freak me out
Aidan loved the horses. He started waving his arms and kicking his legs when they walked by
Of course he loved the lights on the fire truck as wellSunday we had our traditional Sunday breakfast of bacon and eggs and enjoyed the lazy morning in our house for the last time. Aidan napped shortly after and we watched CBS Sunday morning while we packed. When he woke up we headed to Stowe for our last bike ride and a leisurely day of fun. We rode about 5 miles stopping only to browse the farmer's market and listen to the jazz band. Aidan loved his second bike ride and again got upset when it was time to get off the bike. I managed to not fall off my bike this time and shockingly walked away bruise free.

After our bike ride we played in the grass while Kevin loaded the bikes
Once the bikes were loaded we were starving, so we headed to the gourmet market and got the most delicious baguette, fresh goat cheese, tuna salad, mozzarella and tomato, and some chicken pasta salad and headed to the "beach" on the shore of the Lamoille River. The food was insanely fresh and delicious and Aidan even enjoyed goat cheese! Here he is tasting it...He also ate tuna but we cheated and brought a jar of sweet potatoes and let him feed himself. As you can see it was a messy undertaking. He loved being naked and had such a blast. Having the best time!My little independent boy exploring

By the time we got him cleaned up and in the car he was exhausted and he fell asleep before we even pulled out of the parking lot!

Aidan had his first bubble bath this weekend!

We have 2 more weekends in Vermont and I only hope they are as much fun as this past one was. See you soon in Atlanta, but for now we are exploring VT!

Angela & Kevin

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