Monday, May 4, 2009

Greenin' it up in VT!

On Saturday, Kevin, Aidan and I participated in Vermont's 39th year of Green Up Day. Green Up Day began in 1970 when 70,000 Vermonters joined forces around the state to clean up roadside litter that had accumulated during the winter months. The Green Up legacy continues to foster the stewardship of the Vermont landscape. It's about far more than picking up highway litter and cleaning up public parks. Green Up Day is about people of all ages from all walks of life joining together in community spirit to take care of Vermont.

My company, JDK, hosted a Green Up Day breakfast so we headed to Burlington bright and early to join some friends and co-workers and pick up trash. We hope to teach Aidan pride and respect for the environment and the place where he lives. I know he's a little too young to understand now, but he had fun with the "big kids" and he got to enjoy lots of fresh air. We tied the trash bag to his stroller which made for easy pick up! Kevin and I are trying to lead by example and this was just the beginning.

Here is most of the group in front of our building before headed out to Green up! Michael Jager, the owner and creative director of JDK is in black on the far right.

and the kiddies...

We all got very cool t-shirts designed by my co-worker Chris Partelow that say in beautiful type. Aidan looked so adorable in his tiny t-shirt!


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