Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Probably the cutest thing I have ever seen

Last weekend we went to Ikea with my dad, or Grand Eddie as Aidan tries to call him and we bought Aidan a special table and chairs for his snack time. My dad very graciously put it all together in about 5 minutes and Kevin and I both agree it probably would have taken us 2 days and a few arguments, so we were thrilled. We plan to stain it eventually but for now, Aidan could not wait to sit at his "big boy table." He wanted a companion, so we let Monkey have a snack with him. What followed, was Aidan sharing his graham crackers and milk and trying to no avail to feed his monkey a snack. It was the absolute sweetest thing I have ever seen. I only had my phone handy, so the picture is not great, but you can feel the love from our sweet little boy!

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