Monday, September 14, 2009

Great weekend!

UGA beats SC 41-37 and we had a great BBQ with the Blackmons!

We had a great weekend. Saturday morning Kevin let me sleep in while he took care of Aidan and I needed that sleep. By sleep in, I mean I got up at 8:30 instead of 6, but those few hours made a world of difference. We had a nice family morning and once Aidan went down for a nap I took off to my hair appointment. Sleeping in and a visit to the beauty salon all in one day, whoo hoo!
That afternoon we headed to Marcy & Doug's house for a BBQ and a fun afternoon with friends. We hung out with the crew that we're going to Seaside, FL with next month; Dave & Maryam, Kelly & Steve and their daughter Audrey, and Marcy and Doug and their son Colin. We drank mojitoes and ate delicious chicken and ribs that Doug had cooked in his smoker for 7 hours!

Doug makes a mean mojito
The chicken was damn good too!

When we got there Aidan was obsessed with Doug's grill
We had to keep him away!

We had to leave just as the Georgia game was beginning to get Aidan home and in bed, so Kevin and I watched the exciting game at home and it was a nail biter. Georgia got lucky and pulled out a defensive win 41-37. Yeah! A win is a win.

Dave & Miryam don't have any kids but they do have a huge baby boy named Bonus who Aidan adored!
Colin hung out in his swing while we ate
and then he got hold of his Daddy's beer

My little Bulldog
Kelly & Steve
and their daughter Audrey
Yesterday we did a whole lot of nothing and it was WONDERFUL. I wanted to relax and we did, we played with Aidan and we discovered he is a natural with a soccer ball! These pictures are taken with my phone so the quality is bad, but as you can see, the boy has mad skills!

and then he got sidetracked by leaves. They are crunchy and make great sounds...
Isn't he ridiculously cute? He's sporting a new Venice Beach lifeguard shirt from his Aunt Mel, thanks Mel it fits great! Ahhh, we had such a nice weekend with him and he is walking everywhere and into absolutely everything right now. Thanks to my dad for installing a wonderful gate at the top of our stairs this weekend. We are in the process of securing everything else in the house because if you turn around for a second, there might be a soccer ball in the toilet which happened last night. I've got to get those toilet locks on there before more important things get dropped in the toilet!

Kevin and I are heading to NJ next Friday for two days without Aidan! My mom and dad are going to split up babysitting duties so we can attend the wedding of our great friends Jody & Meredith. I'm very excited to see everybody and have a weekend away! Have a great week.

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