Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Duggan's have landed...

Hello! So sorry for the hiatus on the blog posts, but I was without an Internet connection for 6 days and then I got kind of used to it and realized I needed a vacation from blogging and the Internet in general. I am feeling refreshed and getting a few too many "where's the blog?" emails, so...we're back!

Kevin, Aidan, Lily and I arrived in Atlanta on Wednesday, July 29 after a fun but exhausting whirlwind trip around the Northeast to visit friends and family. I already blogged about our lovely time in CT with my nephews and I just stumbled on a few pictures we took which made me laugh. Connor and Will taught me how to use the photo booth feature on my mac, these guys probably know more about my computer than I do which is scary, but anyway, take a look.
They are absolutely adorable!

So we left CT and drove to Philadelphia to visit our good friends Melanie and Matt Naghaski and their two children Addison and Dylan. We had a lovely night with them and the next morning Kevin dropped Aidan and I off at the airport and we flew to Atlanta while he drove down with Lily. Flying solo with a baby who wants nothing to do with sitting still is not something I would recommend to my worst enemy. Even though the flight was a brief two hours, it felt like I was flying to Australia as time crawled by so slowly. Aidan has zero interest in any of the toys or books I lugged on the plane but rather he discovered that pulling the hair of the lady in front of us was much more entertaining. She was nice about first. Instead I tried to keep him facing me so the urge to grab her big hair was not so strong and he played peek a boo with the people behind me who were also nice about first. When he decided to talk in gibberish and be the loudest person on the plane I fed him snacks to quieten him and that worked for a while. It also caused him to poop which gave me opportunity to do something I had never done, and that is change a poopy diaper in the airplane bathroom. NOT fun. I am not a major germ aphobe but certain things freak me out so I avoid them like the plague and airplane bathrooms are one of those things. It was gross and I practically bathed in Purell after getting a clean diaper on Aidan. Luckily he fell asleep after that and we landed 30 minutes later so it wasn't all bad. The flight was still better than driving 17 hours which is what Kevin did, so I am grateful!

My dad met us at the airport and then Kevin arrived the next day and we started to settle in.

Our new home

I had a job interview that Friday with a company called Kids ii. The interview was for the Traffic Manager position and my experience from JDK matched perfectly with this job. Kids ii holds the license to Baby Einstein and Bright Starts and designs toys and gear for baby's under these brands. It is a major company and they have a reputation for being a great place to work. I went into the interview without a care in the world because honestly I was not ready for a job and so of course I got offered the position. Two hours after the interview. I was blown away and had to revise some of our immediate plans because we thought we would have ages to settle in before retuning to work. After some back and forth negotiating I accepted the job and set my start date as 8/24. More on that later!

Before we could begin touring daycare's and meeting pediatricians we had a very special event on August 2nd, my Mom's wedding to Bob! It was a lovely affair and Mom looked absolutely beautiful.

The room where they got married at the historic house in Marietta, GA
I made the bouquet!
Mom looking lovely beforehand
Simon and Amanda

The ceremony

Bob's kids Brett & Claire are on the left in the group shot

Aidan on the move after being very good and sitting still!
Afterward, fabulous food!

and lots of laughs
It was a great evening, congratulations Mom!

We were so glad we could be here for Mom & Bob's wedding. Since moving down we have also gotten to see my good friend Marcy and we had a great night out at one of the MANY,MANY trendy restaurants in Atlanta, a place called Flip Burger. We met up with our friends Marcy & Doug and their 7 month old son Colin, Kelly & Steve and their 3 month old daughter Audrey, Maryam and Dave, and Beck. It was a wild night because the restaurant does not take reservations so we had to wait over an hour for a table but shockingly all the babies did great and we had such a blast!

Marcy, Doug & Colin
The whole gang
Colin eats too
Baby blue eyes was on his best behavior!
Baby Audrey will have some older boys to look out for her!

It is great to reconnect with Marcy, we've been friends since we were 5 years old and I am thrilled our boys are going to get to grow up together! We have more activities planned with the Blackmon family very soon!

Well we've also had a great trip to Hilton Head since we got down here but that update will have to wait, I have to run along to my new job now!

Glad to be back blogging and I'll keep you updated on our Atlanta adventures again very soon!


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