Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I'm sick with an ear infection and a nasty case of bronchitis. I can't say that the threat of swine flu, oh excuse me, H1N1, didn't motivate me to go the doctor. Normally I would have ridden this cold out as I have the last 1,234 times I've been sick this winter. However, I watched Katie Couric tell the world about Swine Flu Monday evening and I thought, "um, I have all those symptoms." I had already scheduled the appointment before I caught up on the world's news, but I slept a little easier that night knowing I would see a doctor the next day. I was surprised to find out I had an ear infection, I can't even remember the last time I had one or if I ever have! My ear was painful but when your sinuses are clogged and your whole head feels like it's about to explode, what's a little ear pain really? I didn't give it much thought. Apparently I have narrow ear canals. Good to know. I also have a cough that makes people turn and stare to see if I may suddenly cough up a lung and spit it on the floor. It sounds thick and it rattles my whole chest.

Can I get a break???? This is the sickest I have ever been in my life. I mean I eat healthy, I work out, I sleep, I am a fanatical hand washer...what can I do? I begged the doctor to give me insight and he told me to get used to it, when you have a 9 month old in daycare, your home becomes a petri dish for all kinds of germs. Ugh, gross. It's true though, in Aidan's day care this week there has been a case of conjunctivitis and a case of Fifths disease. Yeah, I had to look that one up too. I'll save you the time, click here. Luckily Aidan has been remarkably healthy. Sure the boy has had a runny nose for the last 5 months, but that's normal right? No? Oh, I just blame it on teething.

Send me healthy vibes and hopefully the warmer weather will get everyone outdoors and stop this cold from revisiting our house for a while...a long while!


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