Friday, April 24, 2009

Finally warm weather in VT!

We've had a week of cold, rainy weather but finally things are turning around. Today the temps reached almost 70 and I was excited to dress Aidan in this adorable t-shirt and matching sun hat for school. I bought this cute shirt ages ago and it's size 12 months. I naively thought he could wear this ensemble all summer! He wore it for the first time today and he'll maybe get 3 weeks out if because he's growing so fast. I want to get him some shorts, but I learned my lesson so I'm waiting until it's so warm he needs them and we'll just go to the store that day! My little chunker is growing too quickly to guess anymore. Doesn't he look precious in his sun hat!

Here are two beautiful pictures from our trip to Hilton Head in March. Thanks Bill & Mary for sending these. Damn good looking family if I do say so.... hee hee!

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