Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Aidan did not enjoy his visit with Santa Claus as much as we had hoped. He gave Santa a high five and we thought it would be a good experience but as soon as I sat him on the old man's lap he lost it. Poor guy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hello Stranger!

It has been 41 days since I've posted, wow. What a busy time it's been for us settling into Atlanta. We've had fun, but I've missed updating the blog. I won't begin to cover everything that we've jammed into the last 41 days, so here's a photo snapshot. I'll be back to regular blogging soon, check back for updates on our adventures.


We went on vacation to Seaside, Florida with our friends Marcy & Doug and their son Colin, and Kelly & Steve and their daughter Audrey.

We took Aidan to a county fair and he had a blast!

Mary and Leira came for a fun weekend visit and we took the kids to the children's museum of Atlanta which we loved!
Aidan loved the tractor!

We have had lots of fun times playing music and cooking with Aidan

We spent a day in the North Georgia Mountains and visited a pumpkin patch

My little angel!

My boys!

We celebrated Halloween! Aidan refused to wear his monkey costume, he cried when we tried to dress him. So we improvised...we dressed him as a NJ mobster:)

Trick or treating for the first time!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Probably the cutest thing I have ever seen

Last weekend we went to Ikea with my dad, or Grand Eddie as Aidan tries to call him and we bought Aidan a special table and chairs for his snack time. My dad very graciously put it all together in about 5 minutes and Kevin and I both agree it probably would have taken us 2 days and a few arguments, so we were thrilled. We plan to stain it eventually but for now, Aidan could not wait to sit at his "big boy table." He wanted a companion, so we let Monkey have a snack with him. What followed, was Aidan sharing his graham crackers and milk and trying to no avail to feed his monkey a snack. It was the absolute sweetest thing I have ever seen. I only had my phone handy, so the picture is not great, but you can feel the love from our sweet little boy!

Watch out Tiger, Aidan Duggan's on your heels...

Aidan loves to play outside and kick around the soccer ball. The other day while he was playing, Daddy decided to chip a few golf balls. Aidan no longer wanted anything to do with the soccer ball and immediately became obsessed with Daddy's golf clubs. Now every time we go outside he runs for the bag of clubs. Yeah I said runs, the boy can run!! The clubs are taller than he is but he loves to walk around holding them.

Check out our adorable little man as we groom him for a career in golf ;)